Monday, May 26, 2014

Vivian at 3 weeks

Kay was nice enough to come with me to Viv's 3 week checkup. Usually it's 2 weeks, but because of her tongue we got a little off schedule. The good news is she's growing like a weed! In 10 days she gained more than a pound (average is around an ounce/day, so there's no question she's getting enough). They are also claiming that she is now 22 inches (2.5 inches in 3 weeks?!?)... The height measurement is always a suspicious one to me. Their lay down on paper method just generally seems unreliable. That said, at least she's heading in the right direction! 

Weight: 8lbs 13oz (62nd %)
Height: 22 inches (97th %) - eh, this one is hard to believe
Head: 14 inches (50th %)

Also, these two are pretty cute together.

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