Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nanny and Pop Pop meet Viv!

Brian is in Florida at a conference this week so we (I) am overjoyed to have Kay and Brian in town to help with the babes. VERY overjoyed. Nathan is LOVING the attention (one would almost think he's been getting less of it than normal lately - ahem) and Vivian has them eating out of her (very large) hand. 

The last day or two Nathan's also been showing Vivian more love than he has in the last two weeks combined. She's getting lots of hugs and kisses. He's gone through affectionate spurts with Baby E before too, so this isn't totally unheard of, but when they are both my kids I find it especially endearing. I found myself tearing up looking at the pictures when they uploaded. I blame it on the hormones. The ones of the two of them don't always show Vivian off to her best advantage, but dang if I don't just swoon over them together. 

holding hands, cue Mom's tears

Chilling with Pop Pop

"Open up like this, Viv!"

He requested the small bath from Nanny

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