Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy (Belated) 40th Anniversary!

As a present to my parents to help commemorate their 40th wedding anniversary, we set up a family photo shoot. Nathan and Vivian were definitely the weak links in the family today. I can't say I was hugely surprised that Nathan didn't want to stand in one place and smile at the camera, but Vivian losing her stuffing definitely surprised us all. Poor little lady needed a nap, I think.

Our family, of course, brought their cameras as well. I think only one of these is actually mine, but in the shuffle, I brought Mom's camera home. I swear it was a mistake, but I'm definitely not shy about stealing her photos. We'll have to wait a few weeks for the professional ones to come back, but in the meantime I'm enjoying looking at these. Where are Liz's family, you may ask. That's an excellent question, but I don't have any good answers for that since I was dealing with a toddler and fussy baby. Sorry Liz!

Liz did MUCH better. 

There are also these from Mom's phone. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


One of my earliest moments of feeling like I had a bit of a handle on the two kids thing was the first time I gave both kids a bath at the same time by myself. I was all - "I got this!"

In the early days when Viv had less head control I used the bath and switched Nathan over to the big tub with more water once Vivian was out while he played (it's a bit of a three ring circus, but it all works out) and I dress and nurse Viv before bed. Now we just use the big bath. I can't say how much I love the Jack and Jill bathroom at times like this. I can nurse Vivian in her room while looking directly at Nathan 7 feet away in the tub.

I can't say how CUTE they are together in the bath. Nathan likes to help clean Viv up by putting soap on her and wiping her down. He thinks her feet on him is hysterical, and she just basically grins anytime she touches him, even when he's dumping water in her face rather enthusiastically. I can't really get good pictures because, well, I'm doing it by myself and it all feels precarious enough without me using my free hand to document it, but you'll just have to trust me that it's sweet. This isn't the best photo I've gotten, but it's definitely the most modest.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Nathan Says

Me: "Does it hurt a little bit?"
N: "No, a lot bit."

Pulling out of the garage I didn't quite have my seatbelt on yet, but don't you worry, Nathan was on it.
"Mama, put seatbelt on, Mama. Mama not being safe."

"Not really much" (aka not very much)

Me: "Oh, you have the hiccups?
N: "No, I have the yawns." (while yawning)

"Only the dinosaur likes frogs." - Well, of course. What was I thinking?

Telling me about when he saw a bee get caught in a sider's web:
"Spider was tickling bee!"
Oh, dear, sweet boy. Yes, I'm sure that's what was happening.

Me: "Should we go to the grocery store today?"
Nathan: "Yeah, and buy macaroni, beans, and computers... for Dad... and Nathan."

Friday, September 19, 2014

Debra and Peter

I've known Debra since we studied abroad together in Kenya our Junior year of college. We were lucky enough to live in DC together for a few years, and we just love her. They were visiting Peter's dad in Kalamazoo and made the drive east to see us when Meghan and Kylleen were visiting. It was so great to see her and meet Peter. They are moving to San Francisco in about a month, so we were lucky to see them before they leave our time zone. They were both so sweet with the kids and Peter seriously had Vivian laughing like crazy.  I'm pretty much a fan of anyone willing to make a fool of themselves to make my kids laugh.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Aunts Visit!

We had the most wonderful visit with Meghan and Kylleen. We are sad to see the incredibly priced direct Frontier flights from Wilmington ending, but we are glad they were able to take advantage of it before it does. I can't say enough about how awesome it was to spend time with them. They are both amazing with the kids and were just so dang helpful. I seriously won the sister-in-law lottery.

I'm embarrassed that I don't have more photos, but trust me when I say it was a wonderful weekend and my kids adore them both. Meghan even perfected the "hold baby while playing hide and go seek with a toddler" routine.