Wednesday, September 24, 2014


One of my earliest moments of feeling like I had a bit of a handle on the two kids thing was the first time I gave both kids a bath at the same time by myself. I was all - "I got this!"

In the early days when Viv had less head control I used the bath and switched Nathan over to the big tub with more water once Vivian was out while he played (it's a bit of a three ring circus, but it all works out) and I dress and nurse Viv before bed. Now we just use the big bath. I can't say how much I love the Jack and Jill bathroom at times like this. I can nurse Vivian in her room while looking directly at Nathan 7 feet away in the tub.

I can't say how CUTE they are together in the bath. Nathan likes to help clean Viv up by putting soap on her and wiping her down. He thinks her feet on him is hysterical, and she just basically grins anytime she touches him, even when he's dumping water in her face rather enthusiastically. I can't really get good pictures because, well, I'm doing it by myself and it all feels precarious enough without me using my free hand to document it, but you'll just have to trust me that it's sweet. This isn't the best photo I've gotten, but it's definitely the most modest.

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