Saturday, July 11, 2015

Vivian at 14 months

I've decided to work from the oldest photos that haven't gotten posted, so here are some cute shots of Vivian. I think Nathan must have been napping or something since this series is all about Vivi. There is something especially endearing about watching this video months after I took it. Vivian is doing so much right now, and I already miss this piece of her babyhood. She excels at entertaining herself so much of the time. Darling girl. The video is pretty slow going, but I love it.

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Girls

We are all determined to get a few good photos of the girls together! They tend to photograph best individually, but periodically I can get a good one. The bath pics are about as cute as can be, in my opinion! 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

We had a wonderful 4th of July and hope everyone else did as well! We scrapped an original idea of having a big party and opted for a more intimate gathering of Ted, Angela, and Violet. It was perfect! We had a very relaxed dinner followed by an exciting fireworks display!

Nathan and I bought about $20 worth fireworks which were promised to be perfect for the 3 and under crowd. Well... apparently that didn't include Vivian, because our fearless lady was NOT a fan of the fireworks. Nathan, our noise sensitive one, loved them (despite what the photographic evidence would imply) and Violet was nonplussed. A few of them were actually more than we had bargained for and impressed the adults in the crowd.

On another note, Brian bought a power washer this weekend which has greatly improved the look of our deck. This purchase actually originated with Brian cleaning out the gutters of the garage and heading to the hardware store for a longer hose. Go figure. Anyway, Nathan got his first taste of roof climbing and is hooked. After the fireworks the boys surprised me with another scaling of our garage. Man, I think they're cute.

Overall it was a lovely holiday!