Monday, January 26, 2015


I really don't have any excuses for my lack of posting on here other than everyone got colds that seemed to last forever after Christmas and we are still trying to get into a good routine with both of us working full time (outside of the house). Ever since I've just been a bit lazy with the documentation. I'll try to dig my way backwards through photos and such!

Teleworking for a year and a half I always tried to shower in the morning and wear real clothes, but wet hair, no makeup, etc. didn't matter so much. I don't have to wear a suit to work anymore, (yay!) but it is best if I've pulled myself together just a little bit more than... nothing.

It's snowed a few times this winter, though nothing too dramatic. In early January I set Viv up outside while Nathan and I played. She seemed a bit uncertain, but generally happy with the cold, white stuff.

Nathan is loving playing with all his trucks and cars outside. Lots to dig, move, and dump!  He's also a bit fan of helping us shovel, "for everyone who walks here," Sweet boy.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Claflin Christmas (Nathan 2.5yo - Viv 7mo)

I've held off posting this because there are more pictures that I want to add, but that can wait. In the meantime, I would just like to say that while the more children we add to Christmas (the family) makes it all the more chaotic, I also think it makes it all the more delicious. They say there is nothing like kids at Christmas, and it's yet another cliché that holds a lot of truth. I am so very grateful that our kids have so many people who love them in their lives.

Also of note, Zach and Violet were sick and both TOTAL troopers throughout. You would never know it from these pictures. I love these people.