Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

We had a beautiful Mother's Day! Brian and Nathan surprised me by breakfast on the deck, wonderful cards, and two potted plants. Then we headed over to Mom and Dad's house for lunch. The weather was perfect, and I even got to take a nap! Big thanks to everyone who played and held my babies to make that possible. While I have felt great recovering from having Viv, I periodically still feel very much like, "ugh, it's almost like a had a baby a week ago or something." The two girls were darling together, and the boys made an elaborate taco spread for everyone. Zach and Leah were so sweet with Vivian. What great big cousins.  

We didn't plan to color coordinate, we're just that good.

Comparing sizes 

Liz gave me the best of Mother's Day presents by getting these two photos of me with my babes.

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