Monday, May 19, 2014


There are burp cloths and blankets everywhere, but I got my picture with the two kids!

The boys have been making lots of trips to the multiple parks around our house for the last few months, and as I got bigger and more uncomfortable, I was joining them less and less. For the first time in awhile, I joined them with Viv in tow.

Have I mentioned that Nathan has been spending lots of time with Brian lately? Brian's been getting really good at incorporating Nathan in everyday tasks. I loved watching them yesterday mowing the lawn. The lower bar was the perfect height for Nathan, and from watching them, you would swear he was really putting his back into it. With the welcoming of Spring Nathan had started complaining about itchy eyes and nose, and it was really getting in the way of smooth bedtimes. We started giving him Claritin every day which only took about 2 weeks to kick in (ugh). His nose was especially "itchy" again last night though, so we're thinking that he may have inherited Papa's allergy to grass.

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