Saturday, March 30, 2013


We just spent a wonderfully beautiful Spring day running around outside!

We went up to Nonnie and Papa's house in our NEW CAR, a beautiful 2014 Forester. We signed all the paperwork yesterday after work and have officially become a two car family. As hard as it is to believe, we haven't both owned a car since we moved to DC in winter 2009. Being a one car family has been totally doable (especially with the help of a subway), but we're both terribly excited to have a little more freedom with fewer logistics. When we got to Brighton we got to show off our new purchase.

After that we had a delicious lunch (thank you Mom!) in which we polished off an entire ham, followed by egg hunting. I wouldn't say that Nathan totally got the process, but crawling toward (and sitting on) eggs definitely happened. Leah and Zach were both their typically adorable selves, and Leah was especially generous with her eggs. She was passing them out to everyone. When asked how many she found she proclaimed, "more than I can even count!" She was lying of course, she can count that many. 


Also, can I just say, these guys are like the best and most awesome parents ever?