Sunday, August 5, 2012


Our child is a incorrigible flirt. A big gummy grin is the first thing he'll try in an effort to get the attention of the person closest to him if for some reason their attention is elsewhere for more than a few seconds. If smiling fails to elicit the correct response, he transitions to cooing, followed by slight whining if all else fails. This is pretty adorable most of the time, but he is quickly learning how susceptible his parents are to his wiles.

When putting him down for sleep, he will cry out (not true crying, more like singing) for us until the point where fussing becomes slightly concerning cries. We of course go in to calm him down, at which point he stops crying the moment he sees the door open. The moment he makes eye contact he grins at you. He does this with everyone who goes in too, which was proven when the Kelly family was here. I can only imagine that if it's hard for me to try to ignore it had to have been close to impossible for them.  I don't have pictures of the phenomenon as that seems like it would just encourage the behavior even more.

If it weren't so cute, it would be maddening.  Who am I kidding? By the 4th round of it, it is maddening!  There is a large part of me that is in awe that a 3 month old is able to be so manipulative. People who say that kids can't manipulate you this young are liars. They can and ours does. We're so proud.

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