Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Carseat Success!

For the majority of Nathan's short life he has HATED the carseat. I hear that most babies don't mind it. Most even like it, especially the car ride. Well. Ha. 90% of the time we strapped him in he would start wailing. Usually we could calm him down if we used a variety of techniques, but let's just say there were definitely times when it was just me in the car that I'm certain I wasn't the safest driver. There were also a number of times that I would just have to pull over and get him out of the seat to stop his uncontrollable and heartbreaking crying. Meghan heard that cry for the first time on our drive down to Fort Wayne, and I think it made an impression. 

What's this has meant is that the normal outings people take to get out of the house with a newborn just haven't been worth it for me by and large unless it was by foot. Human interaction just isn't worth having to cope with a miserable baby (and mama) so even trips to the grocery store were made while he's with Brian.

Here's the good news: We've turned a corner! For whatever reason, over the last two weeks we've seen huge improvement in his general demeanor in the car. He almost seems to like it and will fall asleep with barely a peep. It's a whole new world people, and I like the view. 

On the drive back from the cottage - just having a
hand on his belly did wonders. Let's not mention that I was
sharing the seat with a cooler...
Outside Lab, a local coffee spot rented out
for one of Brian's work functions. Lots of stop signs
on the way but no tears!

A picture of him in the carseat! That I could
take the time to take this is explanation
enough of the progress we've made.

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