Saturday, June 30, 2012

Heat Wave

We've been having a bit of a heat wave in Ann Arbor the past few days. It was 102 degrees on Thursday and has continued to be in the 90s the past few days.

Meghan's apartment doesn't have working AC so she's been staying with us the last few days. It's AWESOME! All of a sudden we outnumber Nathan 3 to 1.  She's great with him, he adores her, and we've totally taken advantage of her willingness to change diapers.

Here are a few photos that we've taken over the past few months, but I haven't had the chance to post them before this.

Nathan has also been able to hang out with his fur cousins, April and Polly. Here's Polly saying hi.


  1. Thanks again for letting me crash at your place guys! Clearly I'M the lucky one-- a great sis-in-law, bro, and ADORABLE nephew all in one (air-conditioned) house?? What more could a girl ask for? :)

  2. I love the way my girlfriend smiles when she's with that baby!

  3. this post makes me reallllllly jealous :)
