I will say this... Viv is excellent at being 9 months old.
We had her 9 month appointment last week and her stats are:
Height: 28.5 inches
Weight:19 lbs
I'm pretty sure he said this put her around the 75% for both, but I'm not quite sure. Healthy, she's definitely healthy.
She's been army crawling for awhile now, but she's graduated to her knees in the last 2 weeks. I got a few videos from when she started that I'll add to this post when I get around to uploading them. More than anything she loves being in laps so she'll make a beeline for the person closest and wedge her way in. This is mostly problematic when I am trying to change Nathan's diaper, or really when I need to get anything done. She's also very fast, so periodically I'll put her at one end of the room to buy myself some time to get something done, but it doesn't really get me more than 15 seconds. FROM ANYWHERE ON THE FIRST FLOOR. She went through a solid phase where she loved doing Down Dog, but she always put her head up by the time I grabbed my camera. I got close to documenting it once.
Babbling. She's chatty with lots of good baby babbling. I'm not quite sure I would call it talking or words, but there is definitely a theme.
Confirmed "That sounds exactly like a word!" list includes:
Uh oh
Ba (bottle)
She also has got the signs for "more" and "milk" down pat.
Baths. Seriously, the moment she sees the bathroom door open in her room and hears the water running her entire body starts gyrating with excitement and she starts to sing. It's a thing to behold. She loves it so much she routinely attempts to drown herself by trying to kiss the water. Her love is real, folks.
Us. She's definitely starting to have preferences, and while she's pretty happy with other folks, Brian and I are the best game in town. I find this a delightful personality trait. Nathan continues to be her other favorite person.
Feeding herself. We haven't been great about doing solids as much as we were with Nathan, but part of that is because she has a very definite preference for feeding herself. She's not interested in having this done for her. Hand her the spoon! This makes hummus and guacamole good options since they stays on the spoon for awhile and can be licked off. She also likes puffs a great deal and broccoli. She's big on broccoli. She really liked barley last night. So much so that she let me feed it to her!
Waving and clapping. I find this delightful.
Staying still for diaper changes and getting dressed. It's not so much that she's resisting, she just feels like she has better things to do and places to be. We are starting to have to get a bit firm on this one. She will giggle when you mock discipline her for it, so it's become clear that she's doing it on purpose... little stink.
Not being held after meals. Once she's done eating, she is not a big fan of staying in her seat while the rest of us finish.
I could not love her more! This post is adorable. Isn't 9 months the best?