Monday, November 10, 2014

Work and My Loves

So, for everyone who doesn't know, I have gone back to work. My time with my previous employer came to an end shortly after having Vivian, and while I was frustrated that things ended when they did (our project was ending and they didn't have billable work for me), I was more than happy to have some additional time to bond up with Vivian as an infant and enjoy Nathan's toddlerhood.

I feel all of the conflicting emotions that going back to work holds for me, (saddness, excitement, exhaustion...) and this time it's two fold since I am leaving both kids during the day. There are many reasons that I've chosen to work, and they are far more complicated than a mere blog post with no photos, but suffice it to say that though I am torn, I couldn't be loving my new gig more. I am working on the User Happiness Team supporting Expedia and Mobiata mobile apps (check out FlightTrack 5). It's a total shift from what I've done in the past, but I'm loving the team, the office, and the work culture. I am very lucky to have found something that fills so many of my work requirements 1.3 miles away from home. I am determined not to take that for granted.

All of this is also to say, sorry that I haven't been posting with great regularity the last week or two, loyal readers, but things are starting to find their balance. I'm getting back in the swing of prepping things the night before, getting meals started early, and generally juggling life. Hahahaha, just kidding. But seriously, I'm drinking all the coffee.

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