Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nathan Says

Nathan's been creating conversations between his toys for the last month or two. I haven't been able to accurately document them very well, but I wrote this one down awhile ago:

Introducing the firetruck to his Little Builder:
"Hi Little Builder, I'm Fire Truck. I have hoses and windows. Want to ride me?"
(This was the first time I've ever really heard him pretend to be someone else in dialogue.)

This is now so regular an event that I admit that I periodically tune it out while he plays happily on his own, but when I do pay attention, each time, it's just delightful.

His Little People on a boat, "bye bye everybody, see you next time! We're going to sink now!"

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! "We're going to sink now!" I bet it was said so cheerfully!
