Friday, November 21, 2014

Ladies and Light

Wednesday night dinner this week was devoted to getting a few pictures of the girls together. Violet hadn't slept very well the night  before and quite frankly, stunned me by the fact that she never once cried. I seriously think she must be the  gentlest soul alive. These two are just about the cutest thing together. I love that they are so interested in each other. I swear they practically hold hands. Is it weird that I want to do this every week?


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Vivian's 6 months old!

This is a bit late, but Vivian is 6 months old! I would now like to insert every cliche ever written about the speed at which the last 6 months has gone, how big she is already, how much I miss her newborn days, and how awesome she is to have around. I would love her no matter what, but her delightful nature is just such a blessing in our household.

She went in last week for her checkup and shots. She's definitely on the tall side, just like her brother.

Height: 26.5 inches (90th ish percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs. 4 oz (little under the 50th percentile)
Head: 50th percentile - don't remember the exact numbers.
All in all she's doing great. She's been rolling both directions for a few weeks now and sitting up pretty darn well. She's starting to get some more hair too! She already has more than Nathan does when he was a year old. :) Her eyes are definitely blue blue (thanks, Brian!) and don't seem to be changing. She's started doing a laugh/cough thing when she wants to get our attention. It's hysterical. We think she's fantastic.                                                                                


kiddos together

Nathan Says

Nathan's been creating conversations between his toys for the last month or two. I haven't been able to accurately document them very well, but I wrote this one down awhile ago:

Introducing the firetruck to his Little Builder:
"Hi Little Builder, I'm Fire Truck. I have hoses and windows. Want to ride me?"
(This was the first time I've ever really heard him pretend to be someone else in dialogue.)

This is now so regular an event that I admit that I periodically tune it out while he plays happily on his own, but when I do pay attention, each time, it's just delightful.

His Little People on a boat, "bye bye everybody, see you next time! We're going to sink now!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Vivian and Food

I have to admit to being much less gung-ho about food this time around. I'm all, "yeah, we should start thinking about that for her now, shouldn't we... Dang, it's messy for like a year..." So yeah. I'm kind of a bad mom when it comes to introducing food.

Anyway, we are starting in earnest this week, but the other day Brian was holding Vivian and eating a mini cucumber. She grabbed it out of his hand (she's grabby these days) and started licking and gumming it. She loved it. We have also given her some bread crust which she determinedly softened with her drool. Gonna take over the world with her persistence, this one.

Work and Play with Dad

This guy and his kids. I just love watching them together. I also swear that Vivian says, "hi, Dad" in a way reminiscent of Nathan. She definitely has "dadadadada" down pat. You can start working on that "mama mama" sound any time now, baby girl.