I can't choose favorites. I apologize for the duplicates. In my defense, I can clearly see the difference between them, even if you can't.
The cottage was wonderful. Mom and Dad were up there when we arrived, which made everything about a million times easier. Dad had to leave the next morning, but he got to hang out with the kids for a few hours beforehand. Mom stayed with us for some of the week allowing us to get a little sleep (Viv hasn't mastered sleeping through the night quite yet). She was amazing and Nathan adores her. Thank you, Mom!
Vivian was her usual lovely self though she had a day or two of non-Viv like behavior. In an epic fail we forgot to pack the bouncer, which made where to put her a bit of a problem. There just aren't that many soft/safe places to place a baby it turns out, and it was too bad we couldn't do things like bring her down to the dock to hang out as much as we would have liked. Ah well, she's gotten a taste of the place at least, and that's all it takes!
Nathan got really good at coming in the door and hanging up his hat and lifejacket and just generally loved the cottage in general. Seeing him enjoy himself up there and doing things like catching minnows for the first time warms my heart and makes me love it up there all the more. It's enough to make up for the days of planning, packing, driving, and general low-level anxiety that he'll fall, drown, or burn us all to a crisp.
He collected a fair number of scrapes, bites, and bruises, but none of them really seemed to make much of an impression on him because he was having such a great time. He slept in one of the twin beds with no issues (pool noodle under the sheet to act as a barrier). He never got off the bed on his own, though he did take quite awhile to fall asleep most nights. It was fun to hear him talking to himself while he wound down. We often tell him of all the people who love him before bed and we could overhear him saying, "Mama loves you, Daddy loves you, Nonnie loves you, Nathan loves you..."
Love Love LOVE! How cute that you think you posted a lot of pictures. I admire your restraint and love them all.