I love coming upstairs for lunch or a glass of water and seeing these three cuddling up.
Nathan loves his Nonnie.
And his dad.
I still love watching these two head out for the day. Brian is my hero for doing most of the heavy lifting for drop off and pick up.
Liz and the kids came over tonight to have dinner and Zach helped us set up the train. I'm not sure which of us was more excited. Just kidding. That kid is a train lover. He actually remembered where we store the train on the off season. I don't even remember when he saw it there. It had to have been months ago.
Those two are just about the sweetest things ever. They both love bringing Nathan toys. Zach is especially affectionate toward him.
The three of us were sitting watching the train, and Zach was instructing Nathan on the workings. "Nathan, it's going to go forward now, and you'll see the engine first. Now, it'll go backwards, and you'll see the caboose first. Now, let's count the cars. There are one, two, three, four, five. If you don't count the engine, it's only four." Gosh I love that kid.
BRO BRI AND NAT are twiiiins in that hat pic!!! ohhh my