Friday, September 28, 2012

5 Months Old

Our little man is 5 months old. It's so hard to believe, but it's true. I took some pictures this morning to document the first wearing of the sweater I knit for him. Have I mentioned that I love this weather?

Still no rolling over. Maybe this weekend.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A couple from the last few days. There's just nothing like a naked or sleeping baby. NOTHING. Makes the rest of the day kind of dissolve. I mean, look at those buns! The boy just loves being naked.

Here's what he was doing tonight. He's so ridiculously close.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bundle up!

I'm going to have to start knitting some hats for this cold weather!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gimme a smile

Some of Brian's bonding chipped off his tooth so Dad and Liz came to the rescue on Saturday. It turned out that he'd also had a temporary crown in for the past 6 months so they replaced it with the permanent one too. Lucky boy. We can't thank Liz and Dad enough for fixing Brian's smile.

While they were at the office, Nathan and I were hanging out with Jessie and Mom. I think it's fair to say that I won out.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

21 weeks

An update for Kylleen. I skipped a few because it's been getting pretty long and so is he! 

In other updates, he's started passing toys back and forth between his hands. I took a video of it, but even I found it pretty boring to watch. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Too much?

Brian said this was taking it too far. 

I think it's just far enough. 

Watch out. He'll kill you with cute. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Latest and greatest

I haven't written much about Nathan's developing personality or our daily lives lately, and this is mostly just for my future memory, so feel free to stop reading and just look at the pictures.

I'm sure pretty much ever parent feels this way, but he's just delightful. 90% of the time he's just smiling, chatty, and happy to entertain himself until he feels ignored. At that point he'll start cooing, smiling, and flirting until you notice him. The other 10%, while not as delightful, usually comes in the evening and is understandable.

Bedtime can be a bit rough if he doesn't think he's had enough to eat that day or his room is too warm, etc. For a week or so that I thought implementing a bedtime of 7-7:30 was a good idea. It wasn't. It was a total failure and took Liz saying, "It's early to have a solid bedtime, and maybe this is too early for him because he wants to eat more." for me to come to my senses. The voice of an expert.

It turns out he's happier going to bed somewhere between 7:30-8:30. I can't tell you how much easier that has made all of our lives. He usually gets up from his afternoon nap around 5ish and is either up until he goes to bed for the night or will take another short nap around 6. He usually wakes up after 45 minutes, but is relatively easy to get back to sleep by popping in his pacifier, and then we're set until 4-6 am. I feed him and he'll go back to sleep until we wake him up or 8:30-9:00. This all went off the rails with his last cold and I went back to work, but I think we're getting back on track.

He's still not really happy to be awake for more than an hour. It can be done, but most of the time I just don't see much point because he's just rubbing his eyes uncontrollably and clearly annoyed that you aren't getting the message. 

Large groups of strangers still have him on his guard, and he is very quiet with very few smiles just watching everything closely. If new people are introduced one or two at a time, he's pretty quick to warm up. I think he gets that from me. Sorry, buddy.

His affinity for bottles from Cathy changes on a daily basis, but we're just going to keep at it. Reverse cycling is not an option!

Sidenote: I can't help but think how desperately I need to have Mom over to help me make my bookshelves prettier. Mom, can you come over and make my bookshelves prettier?

We took these for my company's newsletter. Go sports!

We love it when Liz comes over for dinner. It's a great opportunity for me to pick her brain about all things baby. Like bedtimes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I hear wedding bells- again!

I can't believe I am just getting around to posting about this now.  It's such old news at this point but still good news! John and Meghan are engaged!  We are so excited and happy for the two of them.

In August they spent 3 weeks in Malaysia before John started his new job, and while they were there John proposed! He brought a wedding band for the proposal itself and kept the engagement ring safe in the States.

Before popping the question

Post proposal. John looks quite satisfied with himself! 

How cute are these two?

Once they got back to the States, John gave Meghan the engagement ring. What a beauty!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Busy weekend

We had a great weekend! The weather was beautiful and we packed it full of fun social outings.

Friday night we celebrated John's birthday with sushi in the grape arbor. Fall seems to finally have arrived. It was beautiful but a little chilly, so Nathan was bundled in a blanket. Mom gave him a ladle and he was happy as a clam.

Silver spoon in hand, literally.

Brian took some of my favorite pictures of me with the boy EVER. Thanks, honey!

Saturday we kicked back and hung out at home. I got a balloon at the dollar store and needless to say, it's a big hit. I swear that might be the best dollar I've ever spent.

We also spent a little quiet time outside. 

Sunday morning Nathan and I headed out to Birmingham to visit with a bunch of my old co-workers including Sarah and her two little ones. How cute is Audrey? Nathan was fascinated with her. I think the ladies got a good dose of baby. 

P.S. Nanny Kelly gave Nathan this puppy. He LOVES it!

This face kills me. Er mah gawd!