Friday, March 4, 2016

Vivian Says

We have been terrible about documenting Vivian's speech. She's been pretty talkative so it's even more embarrassing that we haven't really been logging any of it. I'm going to keep adding ones to this but this covers the last few months.

While we have a sense of what she's saying most of the time, there are others where she rattles off something incomprehensible for about 10 second straight and looks at you like, "did you get that?" The answer would be, "no."

Some of my favorites though.

At bedtime while holding her lovey - Baby happy. I happy.

I love you. (unprompted usually. It's awesome.)

Soup yummy. I eat it. (This is notable because she's much more of a picky eater than Nathan ever was, so anytime she looks at a food and declares it yummy before tasting is a total win.)

Mama do it for me, peeease?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite was when I told her she couldn't take something home and she said, "I buy it."
