Saturday, August 15, 2015

Cottage Photos!

I know that I should write more than, "We went to the cottage, and it was wonderful," but I want to get these pictures posted and it really was wonderful. More than once Nathan said, "this is my favorite place in the whole world, Mama" and I couldn't help but agree whole heartedly.

Highlights: We had perfect weather. Early morning dock breakfasts with my early riser were the best way to have to be awake before 6am. I also loved that Vivian learned how to say "minnow" and "bumper" up there. I kept trying for "poker chip," but she was stubborn. Nathan and I got so close to a loon in the kayak we could see his red eyes (maybe 6 feet away?)!!! Brian and I got to get away for a night thanks to Mom babysitting!  

I'm going to try to write more later, but let's suffice it to say that even though getting to and being at the cottage is about 10x more work with small children, it's still worth it! It was wonderful. 

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