We celebrated Easter on Saturday at Mom and Dad's house and had the most beautiful weather! It was glorious to be able to spend so much of the day outside, and I hope the pictures capture the joyful level of chaos that was happening. The kids had all spent quite a lot of time together this week compared to normal, and it was so much fun to see them all interacting so easily. Mom even got some good ones of the three of us, which I hope to steal from her later.
It was so fun to have Nathan really understand egg hunting this year. After the first minute of pointing to an egg, yelling, "Eggie!" and running to find the next one, he got the hang of putting them in his basket, albeit from a rather impressive height. Each of the kids had a designated color, and the blue went perfectly with Nathan's outfit. The green ones were especially tricky, and Zach had his work cut out for him!
We celebrated Liz's birthday with strawberry shortcake, and Zach gave an impressive concert! Dad flew out that morning for Boston to get ready to run the marathon. We're all thinking of him.