We are so happy to finally be ready and able to share our good news! Nathan is going to a big brother in the Spring! I suspect that most people who actually read this blog already know the news, but it seems like something worth documenting for posterity. Also, it's a....
We found out that I was pregnant ridiculously early right after getting back from the cottage in August after I said something about being tired (in my defense we had just driven back from the cottage and it HAD been a long day). Brian, somewhat jokingly said, "I bet you're pregnant." I laughed and then started doing a little math, and lo and behold, there was a proverbial bun in my proverbial oven.
We were able to tell Brian's immediate family in person when we were out in North Carolina
for Kylleen's wedding, and I'm happy to report they couldn't be happier.
My family feels similarly. We're all just a bunch of happy. Sidenote: I was grateful not to be showing TOO much at the wedding.
I think Brian and I are both still a little in shock about what reality of balancing life with two kids will be like, but we are thrilled. At the risk of over sharing, one of the reasons we're still a little taken aback by the course of events is that we got pregnant MUCH faster this time than we did with Nathan, so I think we had both figured we had some time before things would "take." I had been pretty certain that I didn't really want to have our kids be closer than two years apart if we could help it. I'm still recovering from aspects of Nathan's first year, and the idea of having two kids so young at the same time was a little overwhelming. Well, true to my wish, the due date is April 26th, the day before Nathan's birthday. I don't think we could have gotten closer to two years apart.
Perks definitely include that I don't have to buy much new maternity wear since I'll pretty much be in the same position (read: largeness) throughout the next few seasons as I was with Nathan. We also have all the gear a person would ever need for a baby (mostly thanks to Liz and John) so we should be pretty set on that front as well.
Right now I'm thinking that we'll keep Nathan in his room and make the guest room the new nursery. Let the Pinterest searching commence! Clearly, there are still a lot of TBDs, but we're slowly figuring things out.
I'm pretty happy to be into the second trimester where I am saying goodbye to the exhaustion and nausea that comes with the early days and getting back to having a little more energy.
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