Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mom was here pretty much all week helping us out. She's amazing. Seriously. Amazing. All three adults and the baby have the same cold. It's a doozy. She says she's had a great time spending time with Nathan, but I know that this hasn't been the most lovely "time with baby." She spent hours with him in the cold, easing his cough, and in that time came up with quite a few rhymes to the tune of "twinkle twinkle little star."

This can replace any of the the refrains : "Nathan Kelly has a cold, and it's getting pretty old"

Baby Nathan has the croup, which has us in an endless loop
Stridor and a barking cough, has our coats on and off
Baby Nathan has the croup, which has us in an endless loop

Baby Nathan and his mom, both need Angela to come
They have nasty cold and flu and need medicine that's new
Baby Nathan and his mom, both need Angela to come

Baby Nathan has the croup and it frightened the small group
That's when they both realized, Nate should be hospitalized
Baby Nathan has the croup and it frightened the small group

My own variation on that one is:
Baby Nathan has the croup and it frightened the small group
He did not know it was best, for his mom to get some rest
Baby Nathan has the croup and it frightened the small group

They can really get stuck in your head.

The upside is that he's feeling a lot better, and now it's just his cough that keeps us all awake at night. Poor thing.  I added some videos that sort of show how he's been doing this week.

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