Friday, April 17, 2015

Vivian is Walking!

Vivian took her first steps this week. It was very exciting and here's a video from that morning. :) It's still very limited to 1-4 unassisted steps, but she's so tickled with herself. Nathan was by far our best bait that morning. He's very proud of her and keeps announcing - "Vivian can walk!"

Faux Easter and Vivian walking!

We very sadly had to miss Easter at Nonnie and Papa's because of the plague that swept through the house. It was for the best, but I couldn't help think, but what about the clothes! Easter photos are some of my favorite all year, and so I decided we could recreate our own little Easter the next weekend. Thanks to Mom and Dad for hosting us and setting up another egg hunt for Nathan! 

I, um, took a lot.

You don't usually get photos of Vivian upset, so I thought I would share these. She didn't like that Nathan had shared the leaf blower and then taken it away to play with. 

Meghan and John and Birthdays!

Guys, we've totally been living under a rock. Nathan had croup, then we all got the horrible cold, and stuff just piles up when the hole house is sick. Meghan and John came to visit WEEKS ago and it was awesome! I didn't take too many photos because we were having too much fun. 

We all went to Liz's for Mom and Dad's birthday celebration. It was wonderful and some of my favorite photos were the ones Brian took outside of Nathan and Zach. So adorable.