He's still long and lean - shocker.
Height: 35.5 inches (90th percentile) - I wonder how much longer he is lying down though, since I swear when he stands next to a yard stick he looks more like 34 inches.
Weight: 25 lbs. (25th percentile)
He's talking up a storm, repeating almost everything we say and happily taking our requests into consideration. I love communication. I adore it. I think it's pretty much the best thing ever. I can't decide if i love that or his generally hugging and kissing nature more at the moment. It's a toss up really.
Conversation while getting ready to go outside-
Brian: Ok, let's get your coat on.
Nathan: zip (it) up
Brian (to me): I think your talking about what you're doing all the time is really paying off now.
Nathan: Paying off.
Now for the photos. One of Nathan's favorite things to do with Brian is bring in our trash cans. I don't know if it's just because it's one of the few things he's been able to do outside this cold cold winter, or if it's how loud the cans are as they bump along, but whatever it is, he LOVES it. Don't mind the rather unique outfit...the hat was a present from Brian's Uncles Patrick and John and he's taken rather a shine to being called our little monkey. It's technically part of a costume, but hey, as long as those ears are covered, I'm not too picky.
Speaking of funny get-ups...
someone was trying to hide from me |
We got to see Liz and John and the kids this weekend too! It was lovely to have some hanging out time with no agenda or timelines. The kids played great together. It's really fun to see a real future for actual "playing" together, rather than Zach and Leah having to let Nathan get his way. I mean, that's still basically what happens now, but at least I can see where we are headed.
I just love how often Brian ends up being a total jungle gym for the kids whenever we all get together. Nathan wasn't a huge fan of just Leah being on his lap, but was happy to share. We also got to witness Zach doing some honest to goodness reading of Dr. Seuss, and let me tell you, it's crazy impressive for 5!
And finally, Liz shared a few pictures she got of some of the kids sitting on baby girl. I love both of them, but absolutely adore the one with Nathan both because he's smiling so well and because I have so few pictures of me pregnant with my boy. Homestretch!