I'm not quite sure when you stop talking in months. I always find it kind of ridiculous when someone says something like, "she's 35 months old." I mean, really, I can't do that math. I've even heard people say 24 months, which seems especially ridiculous. Talk about a month you can just say in years! So anyway, Nathan's 21 months old tomorrow.
His language is going gang busters. He's been capable of saying a lot of words for awhile now, but he's becoming more and more inclined (cooperative) to be prompted to say a word and will surprise us by repeating words we're just using in conversation randomly. We don't have too many two word phrases (see it, what's that, see you, are you (where are you), etc.) but we can see a path to some true communication, which is a beautiful thing. Right now we're finding it especially funny that pretty much all 4 letter words starting with F sound a LOT like a certain 4 letter word that starts with F, especially Frog and Fork.
Tantrums: He's pretty happy most of the time, a total goofball, though we're entering a stage where I feel like the fence in Jurassic Park being systematically tested by velociraptors. Why has he decided all of a sudden that he does't like getting out of pajamas and dressed in the morning? Did that not happen one morning so he thinks it's optional now? Same with bibs. Did we ever waver in our idea that bibs happen at mealtimes? The answer to those questions is, no. But the fence must be tested periodically anyway, it turns out. So we are trying to take it in stride, hold the line, and remember it's just a phase. Grant us patience.
All that whining aside, he's about 80% happier once he has some food in his belly, and has been eating like a horse for the last week. I suspect a growth spurt of some direction and his thighs have actually added a little meat to them.
I'm pretty sure I had decided to torture him this morning by offering oatmeal. You would have thought I was offering him arsenic.
Nathan loves my oven mitts and we like to call him a little lobster. He'd been waving to Brian in the other room (working on a few computers in the other room so blocking N off from coming in and messing with the cords). Unfortunately, by the time I got there he didn't want to show off for the camera.
It's one of my favorite things when Nathan gets on his tummy to do something like color. I don't know why, but it just strikes me as such "big kid" position. When I saw the boys sprawled out in identical form, I couldn't help but take a picture.