I was stymied about Halloween this year. Anyone who knows our family knows that it Halloween is a BIG DEAL. My parents always decked out the house almost as completely for Halloween as they do for Christmas (which is saying something). My mom always made us the most amazing costumes and Liz has set a pretty high bar with past costumes for Zach and Leah. I wanted to start out simple for Nathan this year, and ideally have a little family theme.
Background: Elmo is key player on Nathan's diapers and when he went through a stretch of not wanting his diaper changed (we revert there about once a day now) Cathy would give him one and talk about Elmo. I think Sesame Street also was turned on a few times when she had to get something done for a few minutes and so 'Melmo' has become one of his favorite words.
All of that, plus realizing that a jumpsuit, eyes, and a nose were all I would need, solidified it! The thing I love most about costumes is that details don't really matter. The whole point is to give the
impression of something.
I took out a long sleeved outfit of his that was one piece and laid it out on the fabric, created some extra space for the seams, and cut front and back pieces and some arms. Then I got out a sweatshirt of his of his and used that as a guide for the hood. I had gotten way too much fabric (1.5 yards was probably enough to make two costumes) so I wasn't too nervous about messing up the first round. I did some pretty slapdash sewing - couldn't find my straight pins, my seams were uneven, I was pretty much guessing on about half of it, but IT ALL WORKED OUT! The first time he put it on I was pretty much expecting to have to start over from scratch, but it fit almost perfectly. I think the generosity of the fabric and the fact that fit isn't really a requirement here has a LOT to do with that. With some hemming of the sleeves and pants, and snaps put in on the front, it was ready for action!
For Brian and I, things were a bit simpler. Brian got a couple eyes on his hoodie, some cardboard cookies, and gloves to transform him into cookie monster, and I made a Big Bird hat for myself.
Liz and John had us all over for the most fabulous Halloween dinner on two weeks ago and we took it all out for it's first run. Liz and John seriously outdid themselves with the party. There was guacamoldy, dead man's meatloaf, fantastic bugs and mice on the walls, and some pretty fantastic costumes. I got the photos from Mom and a few from my phone because like a dolt I forgot to bring our camera.